UCNA Community News

Stay up to date on all the news from the neighborhood.

Smyth Elementary School

Where: 1059 W 13 St (two blocks from University Commons)

What: CPS (Chicago Public School) Pre-K through 8th grade

Why do we support: We live in a very socially, economically and culturally diverse community. A mission of the University Commons Neighborhood Association is to actively participate in our community, and supporting Smyth School is a great way to make an immediate and local impact for the youth of our neighborhood. Many times, Smyth School gets overlooked in the shadow of St. Ignatius. A large number of Smyth Students come from the underserved part of our community, including an increase in children in unsheltered conditions. Supporting Smyth School is investing in our shared future.

Thank you University Commons!

September 3, 2024

Dear UCNA Neighbors,

Happy New School Year!! We greatly appreciate everyone who contributed to our UCNA Back2School Supply Drive for our neighborhood Smyth School. 

Thanks to the supplies received we were able to help students and teachers with critical materials to start this year's learning journey.  As well, we were also able to use the donations collected at the Summer Solstice Party towards a fabulous face painter for the Back2School event. This created lots of fancy and smiling faces!!  

If you are interested in learning more about Smyth School and how to get involved, please contact Cindy Haring (754) 302 8391. 

Thank you for continuing to strengthen our community through your acts of generosity and kindness. 

University Commons Neighborhood Association -UCNA - is about connecting, having fun, and strengthening our community

Happy 2024 to the University Commons Community!

2023 Social Recap:

From monthly bookclub meetings, games nights, group bike trip, to our big Summer Solstice Party, it was a fun year!

There is still more on the horizon so check this website often for updates.

Recap: 2023 Holiday Makers Market

December 3th was a great opportunity to holiday shop – very local!!! Lots of handicraft talent in the UC community. From ceramics, honey, handicrafts, a variety of home baked sweets, artisanal vanilla, Chicago photography,  along with people & puppy cookies. There was something for everyone, and it was also nice to meet neighbors. Basically our own UC “One of a Kind Market”!

Recap: 2023 Progressive Cocktail Party

With over 50 participants and 8 amazing hosts opening up their lovely homes, November 11  was a great evening of meeting neighbors and enjoying various libations and yummy appetizers.  It was wonderful to have a mix of old and new residents to make new friends, and welcome those who have recently arrived to the UC community.

Other Fun throughout the Year:

Celebrating Holiday, we had a Rocky Horror Picture Show viewing party.

Two Community Bike Rides & Beach Lunch

Karaoke & Game Nights

ANNUAL SUMMER SOLTISCE with over 100 residents for a night of fun, food and drinks!

Oscars Viewing Party

And our Book Club provides monthly lively discussion, opportunities to socialize and connect.

Want to get involved? Join the Social Committee

Here at University Commons we have a vibrant community, living in a dynamic neighborhood,  where  we can have fun, make connections, and also positively impact our community together. Click here for upcoming events.

UCNA Social Committee welcomes new participants, whether it’s as an active member of the Committee,  you want to help on a specific event, or want to create an event,  please join to develop more activities and engagement opportunities to get to know and for our residents to connect.

We strive to have a variety of events, big and small, to appeal to our diverse residents and encourage more neighbors to help continue to strengthen our community.  

 For more information please contact us at the below link.

2023 Community Building Recap:

Recap: 2023 UC 11th Annual Holiday Gifting for Smyth School Students

Thanks to the generous giving of UC and University Village neighbors, we were able to meet our target, and provide Walmart gift cards to each of the 4th-8th graders at our neighborhood Smyth School for the holidays, along with a celebration!

Notes from the Smyth School Students in appreciation of our UC Holiday Giving

Additional Community building throughout the year:

  • Book Donation Drive for Open Books & UC Kids Book Exchange - great way to support a local non-profit organization for children’s literacy, and get new kids books for our resident readers!

  • Community street clean-up with UIC Athletes to kick off Spring!

  • Back to School Supplies Donation Drive for our neighborhood Smyth School students

  • Community meeting regarding the local humanitarian refugee crisis - with a panel discussion of experts, including our Alderman.

  • Winter clothing drive for the local needy. Supporting the Pilsen Food Pantry and other local organizations.

  • Knitting for a Cause - neighbors knitting to keep others protected from the cold!

UC Winter Clothing Drive

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the UC and U Village residents, we donated 15 fully-packed SUV carloads of winter clothing and items to various organizations throughout the community serving the refugees and needy, including the Pilsen Food Pantry, as well as deliveries directly to the shelters with specifically needed items.

If you have some time and want to get involved, the Pilsen Food Pantry can always use volunteers to help sort, prep, distribute, etc. Please see their website: pilsenfoodpantry.com to sign-up.

Warm Thanks!

Neighborhood  update

Our public art:

Have you admired the beautification work in our neighborhood, and are curious how it all came about….

In 2012 the new 12th District Police Station was built on Blue Island near 14th street.  The city has a Percent for Art ordinance  which assures that 1.33% of the construction budget for construction or major renovation of a City-owned or City-financed building or structure, or for certain outdoor improvements, is used to commission art at that building, structure or improvement.

Normally when new police stations have been built the public art has been put inside of the station. I asked myself how many people actually get to see that art if it is inside?  I lobbied with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE) for this public art to be put outside and made them aware of the triangular piece of property across from the station. It was filled with weeds and garbage, broken sidewalks, and a fence that was falling down. Through the years we’d have community cleanups, but honestly it continued to be an eyesore.

It took 10 years to finally complete this project as it went thru numerous hoops and setbacks. In late October 2022 we finally dedicated our new public art piece in the triangle plaza across from the 12th District Police Station and very near University Commons.

The selected artist, Juan Angel Chavez is a Chicago-based sculpture and installation artist who works primarily with found objects to create assemblages, sculptures and installations that explore the relationship between nature and the built environment. His work has been exhibited in local, national, and international venues and he has been recognized for his work with several individual artist awards: The Richard H. Driehaus, Chicago, The Louis Comfort Tiffany NY, NY, Artadia NY, NY, 3Arts, Chicago and The Joan Mitchell Fellowship NY, NY.

The artist named the piece HYLE, which is an ancient Greek word that refers to matter or stuff. It was later adapted to mean material (wood) in Latin. In this situation, HYLE refers to both the material in which the piece was initially conceived, and the materiality of site being transformed into interactive space. The piece is a steel structure that combines the abstracted forms inspired by adventitious morning glories with the concepts of structures that are considered as living buildings: for example, Wharenui, a Maori meeting house, in which the belief is that all ancestors are vital part of its structure, Native American longhouses in which all tribe members lived in, temples in which people gather for spiritual guidance, etc.  All these references pushed Juan to propose a contemporary version of what is communal, welcoming, and native to the area and the surrounding communities: Pilsen, Little Italy, Maxwell street, UIC, South Water community, Collins Apartments and ABLA Homes. 

HYLE is a metaphorical structure that honors that spirit of activism and social change by referencing the morning glory which is considered both beautiful and undesirable. Jane Addams, Florence Scala, Rudy Lozano and Deverra Beverly are the history of tenacity for change, but it continues with Police, ABLA residents, and other community members; as they all maintain the same level of commitment for transforming this community for the better. 

This project was created as multi-faceted processes involving community members. The goal for this project is to reflect the community in which it lives and transform a site and a sculpture, into a place you have lunch, admire, use to gather for evening concerts, or just enjoy and revisit for generations to come.

Thanks to Tom Volz, UC neighbor, who will be our "eyes on the ground" to watch over the plaza. 

Many of you never saw what this area looked like 15 years ago without the many improvements. The green space adjacent to Fosco Park use to be a vacant lot strewn with rocks, etc. The police station was the site of low rise housing that was boarded up. The ROSIE site was an asphalt lot and also a section was overgrown with weeds and a fence that was falling down. And the triangle plaza was what this picture below represents and now the site of our new public sculpture. 

Public art adds enormous value to the cultural, aesthetic and economic vitality of a community. It is now a well-accepted principle of urban design that public art contributes to a community's identity, fosters community pride and a sense of belonging, and enhances the quality of life for its residents and visitors.

Enjoy! Nancy Plax

Neighborhood Beautification:

Have you seen the amazing murals on Racine?!!

This new art masterpiece was inaugurated Summer 2023! It took lots of hard work, fundraising, and getting new lighting in the Racine viaduct; Including hands on cleanup thanks to Adam Sterbis, Diana Mulka, Delilah and I. Thanks also to Maxwell Street Garden for lending some tools.

This is a never-ending battle, but we are so happy to be able to have our community come together to enjoy these murals.

It was a labor of love for me for my community. Thanks to everyone who donated to achieve these beautiful murals and helped make our viaduct safer to walk through.

Since 2013, I am proud to say there have been 90+ murals added to our community. Thank you, Delilah Martinez and the The Mural Movement for all your help.  And THANK YOU dear neighbors who have contributed to this project!

Enjoy!  Nancy Plax  

Maxwell Garden Seeks Volunteer Grant Researchers and Grant Writers

Maxwell Street Community Garden is in immediate need of volunteers who are familiar with researching for potential grants that could fund/support numerous enhancements and programs at the Garden.  Previous experience is not required, but helpful. Our former grant writer is available to guide and review grant applications prior to submission.

Applicants need not be a gardener/garden-member to volunteer ! Everyone Welcome !

Please email mscg1150@gmail.com if you are interested or have information on grant oppportunities. to share.

Please share with others that you think might be interested in helping us with this important initiative.

UC is part of the 25th Ward

For local news  and information, please sign up for the Alderman’s newsletter:  Ward25@cityofchicago.org

Residential development in Pilsen

Work is underway on the vacant land to the South East of University Commons. That land is  slated to be re-developed into affordable housing.

University Commons Neighborhood Association

© 2022 University Commons Neighborhood Association - Chicago

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